Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Dear Diary

Dear deary mau curhat ni,, tpi sebenernya saya malu mau curhat karna aku cowo. Masa curhat kan??
Ah sudahlah,, demi wanita yang satu ini saya mau curhat blak2 an…

Gini deary saya sekarang ini lagi deket ma wanita dia sangat baik, adem and damai orangnya,, saya kenal baru and sangat cepet sekali ma dia tapi aku dah yakin ni calon istri yang baik buat masa depan sy, akan menjadi ibu yang baik dan menjadi istri yang baik bagi sy.
Kenapa begitu??? Jawabnya entahlah diary hati ini yg berperan dan memilih..

Jujur aku dikenalin sama wanita ini via keluarga sy dan keluarga dia..
ceritanya lg duduk manis di toko ay bbm ti bapa tringggg  dilihat photo cwe wahhh, trus di bawahny git mau gak dikenalin sama ini. awalny ah biasa ni anak kecil kynya masih sekolah atw apa gtu :P blm ckup umur buat aku :D. aku jawab, “oke pah iy, perkenalan dlu ari jodoh lanjut teu mah wios jdi rencang” cek sy teh… trus di kasih pin bb ny sama c bapa, Udah saya beranikan diri untuk invite dia,, lama di confirm ny(dalam hati sy berkata “wahhh gk mau kyny” ah sudahlah) udh bbrpa jam baru di confirm, kenalan bla bla bla dan ku ajak ketemuan bbrpa kali gagal, dan akhirnya aku ketemu pertama kali di rumah saudaranya aku datang langsung dan ku ajak makan baso, makan nya dikiiitt banget pemirsaaaa satu porsi aj sisa banyak X_X,, ah  lumayan ngirit ongkos makan date jga nih wkwkwkw…
dan di sabtu pagi yang cerah setelah bberp hari ketemu, ku ajak dia ke puncak ngenngggg brengkot,, di jalan ku utarakan keinginan dan isi hatiku ini diary bahwa saya gak main2 sama dia bahwa sy serius (oh iy wanita ini lg punya pasangan pemirsa,, tpi hub ny rumit kynya krna jarang ktmu dan jarang komunikasi satu sama lain #herannnn koq bisaaaa hehehe ) dan dia jga kayanya mau sih tpi katanya terganjal ma pasangan ny itu, kn jwabany ny gk jelas dan rancu bagi saya aaahhh, dan terjadi percakapan :
Saya       : bu trus gimana sama sikap saya harus biarin ibu dulu sama pasangan ibu dlu(beresin maksudny)                     atw saya bersikap seperti biasa sama ibu.
Wanita  : terserah bpa pingin ny gimana mau berhenti nemuin mangga, mau biasa juga mangga (iihh )
              Tpi pa bila nanti teu jodoh bapa pasti dapat lbih baik dari aku (iihhh pikasbelen,, nyahoo akang teh                bogoh ka nyai lain bade neangan nu lewih ti nyai, akang tos cocok ka nyai )
Saya       : mendengar itu, sedihh pemirsa :’( dalam hati sy  (wah masih raguu trnyta c nyai ma cinta akang)
                Bu tapiii ?? ah sudah lah aku gk berani maksa dan nanya lagi.. takut di pinta gk nemuin dia lagi. Bisa gawattt

Yah begitu diary jadi ngambang ni status ny, dia itu saya nilai pesimis and super cuekkkkk di taros malik naros di diemin dieeeemmmmm X_X, saya juga usahakan perasaan ni gk 100% bisi tejanten meh tenyeri pisan nanti ny :) tapi satu hal aku serius padany diary.. :D

Doakan semoga berakhir bahagia sama dia, amin :)

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

motor sport Thunder 125, Vixion 150, Tiger revo 200

Hai pagi bro and sis sya mau share aja tentang kelemahan dan kelebihan kuda besi sport yang pernah sya punyain dan milikin, diantarany si thunder, vixion, dan terkhr yang sya punya sekarang tiger revo..
pertama saya bahas si thunder 125 cc
oke mau curhat dlu, ni motor adalah motor besar pertama sya. motor besar harga murah tpi punya brand jepang bukan mochin, dan penjualan ny meledak dan jadi ujung tombakny  suzuki dlm penjualan produkny wktu itu.. ni motor ditebus dengan harga 14,5jt wktu itu seharga motor bebek, beuuhhhhh mantap.. setelah hampir 5 tahun motor ni menemani saya akhirny saya lego.. moga kau baik2 y skrg thundie :)
oke lanjut ke kelebihan motor ni:
1.  irit banget, wong 125cc y iyalah hehe
2. nyaman digunakan dalam kota, bobot ny ringan selap selip jossss
3. mesin bandel gak rewel, dipake tiap hari dan sering PP bandung-cianjur blom pernah mogok dan turun mesin
kelemahan motor ni :
1. mesin 125cc ny membuat tenagany pas2an dengan bobot sktr 130kg dan di tambah di naikin sama sya yg waktu itu bobot sya hampir 110kg wwoooooowwwww kannnn,, mana bisa lari nih motor.
2. swing arm ny kecil
3. jok kecil klw perjalan jauh pegel pantat hehe

lanjut ke motor sport ke 2 sya, yaitu vixion 150cc. yup motor sejuta umat motor yang menggebrak dengan full injection ny. motor sportny andalan yamaha sampai saat ini dan  yang jadi primadona sekaligus incaran para ma*ing uppsss... :)
1. irit
2. teknologi canggih
3. rseponsif dan akselerasi mantap
4. elegan dan gk malu2in bonceng cewe :)
1. hhmmmm ap y, paling body ramping kurang gambot

tada dan ni adlh motor sport saya yang di pake saat ini tiger revo 200cc, motor gagah dari honda. yup motor legendaris dari thun 1995 sampai saat ini masih konsisten berkeliaran di jalanan indonesia. komunitas klub ny yang kompak dari sabang sampe merauke hehe lebay lgi. dan tentunya motor ini punya ciri khas tersendiri di kalangan para bikers :)
motor ni belum saya bejek keluar kota baru di pake jalan2 dalkot aj wong baru nemenin sya1blan nan hehe
kelebihan :
1. irit untuk kelas 200cc
2. gagah dan elegan
3. enak di pake touring jauh(katany,, tpi insyallah bntr lgi mau di ajak touring ma sya)
4. stabil
1. berat broooo

nah dri ketiga motor2 sport yg pernah saya miliki ini, masing2 mempunyai kelemahan dan kelebihan masing2. so sya sangat bersyukur pernah mempunyai 3 varian motor sport ini.
untuk kedepany sy gak tau beralih ke mana.. yg jelas dri dilihat cc nya sya naik bertahap dari 125cc, 150cc, kemudian 200cc bisa ditebak kan heheee inceran ny 250cc atau KR4 amin
cukup sekian
salam :)

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

NgBlog Lagi AAhhhhh

Ya pada hari ini 04 october 2013 hati dan pikiran sya lgi ingin ngblog lagi, cerita2 gak penting, upload photo, copy paste blog yg lain yg lgi ngtrend wkwkw dll..
Pertama-tama lemesin jari lagi udah lama gak ngetik blog yang aneh ini, pasti kaku abis nih kata-katanya atau bahasa yang dipake, dan mau ngetik ap jg bingung ???...

kayaknya pembaca blogku ini sedikit bahkan mungkin gk ad sama sekali. Tapi mungkin dulu ad Yang mau baca atau liat sedikit itu pun dipaksa ma sy :), tuh yg di follower blog ni buktiny (walaupun gk nambah dah 6thn.heee)

ap kabarny follower ku smua bro nugi, bro lomli, bro rizal, bro ipung(dia silent reader kyny,, gkgk peace pung) sis desi, sis riska, sis nata, om doyok, bro arif, bro epul dan banyak lagi yang gk bisa disebutin satu persatu hehehe. lebay dkit.. saya harep kalian sehat semua dan sukses, amin...

Ya udah ya, sekarang gw juga gak bisa nulis banyak-banyak….intinya pada posting kali ini gw mau mencoba ngblog lgi, entah itu bertahan lama apa cukup sampai disini aj hehe..

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

12 step how to live Simple and peaceful

  1. Decide what is important. Take a step back and think about what’s important to you. What do you really want to be doing, who do you want to spend your time with, what do you want to accomplish with your work? Make a short list of 4-5 things for your life, 4-5 people you want to spend time with, 4-5 things you’d like to accomplish at work.
  2. Examine your commitments. A big part of the problem is that our lives are way too full. We can’t possibly do everything we have committed to doing, and we certainly can’t enjoy it if we’re trying to do everything. Accept that you can’t do everything, know that you want to do what’s important to you, and try to eliminate the commitments that aren’t as important.
  3. Leave space between tasks or appointments. Another mistake is trying to schedule things back-to-back. This leaves no cushion in case things take longer than we planned (which they always do), and it also gives us a feeling of being rushed and stressed throughout the day. Instead, leave a good-sized gap between your appointments or tasks, allowing you to focus more on each one, and have a transition time between them.
  4. Eliminate as much as possible from your to-do list. You can’t do everything on your to-do list. Even if you could, more things will come up. As much as you can, simplify your to-do list down to the essentials. This allows you to rush less and focus more on what’s important.
  5. Slow down and enjoy every task. This is the most important tip in this article. Read it twice. Whatever you’re doing, whether it’s a work task, eating, brushing your teeth, cooking dinner, driving to work: slow down. Try to enjoy whatever you’re doing. Try to pay attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment. This isn’t easy, as you will often forget. But find a way to remind yourself. Unless the task involves actual pain, there isn’t anything that can’t be enjoyable if you give it the proper attention.

    • Eat slowly. This is just a more specific application of taking things more slowly but it’s something we do every day, so it deserves special attention.
    • Drive more slowly. Another application of the same principle, driving is something we do that’s often mindless and rushed. Instead, slow down and enjoy the journey. See How to Practice Zen Driving.
  6. Single-task. This is an important point. Do one thing at a time, and do it well; see How to Avoid Multi Tasking.
  7. Eliminate stress. Find the stressors in your life, and find ways to eliminate them. See How to Relieve Stress.
  8. Create time for solitude. In addition to slowing down and enjoying the tasks we do, and doing less of them, it’s also important to just have some time to yourself.
  9. Do nothing. Sometimes, it’s good to forget about doing things, and do nothing.
  10. Sprinkle simple pleasures throughout your day. Knowing what your simple pleasures are, and putting a few of them in each day, can go a long way to making life more enjoyable.
  11. Practice being present. You can practice being in the moment at any time during the day. The key methods of being present include paying attention instead of daydreaming, observing what is going on around you, breathing attentively and meditating.
  12. Live in the Moment. Instead of delayed gratification, try enjoying life right now.

How To Think Positive

Don't always think negative, but try to be always positive. Good things will come to you eventually. Don't always think bad thoughts, such as: I can't do this. Yet in actuality, you can. You can because you've got the power to do it Also try to avoid thoughts such as, "I don't think I will ever learn anything". If you think that, then you will not ever learn anything. Also avoids thoughts such as, "I can't solve my own problems and deal with bullying". You can if you put your mind to it. You are smart, you are powerful. You are not some kind of loser, and you can do anything if you try, by thinking positively. We can develop positive thinking through meditation. Insight meditation is a method of self-inquiry in order to acquire insgiht into karma or whatever other aspect of Buddhism we want to understand deeply. Through meditating, we begin to realize that, however long we think positively about something like karma and inquire into its nature, Sometimes we must accept that we have only a limited understanding. Eventually we reach a point where, however much positive thinking and meditation of karma we simply do not know. Not everything can be known or understood. Sometimes, as we continue meditating we begin to understand more of the insights that arise from positive thinking and inquiry. But at other times positive thinking means the courage to accept that we simply do not know everything. Meditation can lead to an intuitive experiential understanding of whatever subject on which we are meditating. This facilitates a shift in perception that allows us to see more clearly how things really are. This is no longer an intellectual process because we go beyond the intellect in meditation to access deeper levels of the mind. In this way, meditation helps the mind find the spaces between thoughts. This spaciousness of mind helps to cultivate positive thinking. Through applying positive thinking and observing our expierences moment to moment in meditation, we begin to see how suffering and dissatisfaction permeate our exisetence, and we realize that things are impermeanent. When we meditate on karma, our understanding of intentional actions and their results deepens, and an understanding of how karma operates slowly begins to arise within us. We start to know for ourselves the truth of karma. This understanding arises from our direct personal expierence, not from something we read in a book. Each time we meditate we can also use positive thinking to develop an understanding of Buddhist concepts like karma and emptiness. In Buddhism, emptiness means self and phenomena lack inherent existence, that they exist only in dependence on their consituent parts, causes, and conditions. This is a difficult concept to understand without thinking haqrd and long about it, but when we examine things closely we realize they do not exist as we usually imagine.

step :
1. Make a decision to do your own thinking and have control over your attitude. That means deciding to conquer the negativity that is going on around you. Think of what you can do today and how you will react that will make a difference to your life instead of allowing people and situations to dictate.
2. Associate or mix around with people who can provide something of value. Avoid those who sap your energy and motivation. If you can't avoid them, or don't want to, learn how not to let them get you down.
3. Start saying positive things especially about yourself. How you communicate to yourself affects your thinking and your emotions, as well as your self-esteem.
4. Try new things
. Experiencing a wide variety of life in a positive light will do wonders. Something as simple as trying the mussels in a restaurant can lead to new tastes and different sensations
5. Read more
. Read about how those people who fought fear with courage and succeeded in life. Through reading, you will gain new knowledge and understanding and it will help you clear whatever is blocking your thinking and create more ideas.
6. Set goals no matter how impossible it may seem at the moment
. Keep yourself busy working on them. Once you reach one, you will get inspired. With each goals achieved no matter how small, you will gain confidence and your self-esteem will increase.
7. Change your mental pictures
. What and how you see yourself and your surroundings make a difference to your thinking. You are visualizing or imagining something at every waking hour. Start to change your old internal dis-empowering pictures with images of something that you wish to experience.
8. Start questioning yourself on your behavior and attitude
. Ask yourself why you are resisting or producing the habits or attitudes that you dislike. Stop each time you catch yourself in a circumstance that brings about negativity and doubts.

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

English Tips

Tips #1 : Start
If you don't start, you'll never finish.
The longer you put it off, the more likely you are to give up. So start. Now.
Find an English class.
Find some English learning software or books.
Join an English learning forum.
Begin learning the English alphabet (ABC) and numbers (123).
Learn the vocabulary for your hobbies or interests.
Do something. Do anything.
Once you've started - don't stop.

Tips #2 : Practice Makes Perfect
OK - so you've started. Now what?

Now you have to practice - a lot.
Have you ever worked out how many years it took you to gain your current level in your native language?

Don't forget you had exposure to that language 24 hours a day seven days a week. Now work out how many hours that was.

So, if you think you can learn all the English you need in an hour and a half a week - think again. Don't get me wrong, it's fine if you only want to learn certain phrases for travelling or fun: "Two beers please", or "Hello my name is ...", but if you want to become truly proficient, you've got a long way to go.

You can do a lot by yourself, you can rehearse conversations and explanations you might need to use in real life, but then you have to get out into that real life. Luckily with the internet you can do a lot online. Find a friendly native speaker who would like to learn your language, or learn about your culture, if you can't do that you can do a lot by finding a language buddy, someone who is learning English and is on a similar level to you. Finding someone who is better than you certainly helps, and once you are more proficient find someone who needs your help too.

Just remember, English is a living language, you need to live it.

Tips #3 : take Responsibility
It's easy to expect your teacher to teach you English, but that's not how language acquisition works. The teacher is there to present English to you, but you have to learn it.

After all, you wouldn't expect a waiter to eat your dinner for you, or a barman to drink your beer for you.

I was always very clear with my students. In the first lesson I would tell them I wasn't there to teach them English, I was there to help them learn it. There is a difference. So, once you've been presented with new English words or vocabulary, it's up to you to use it, review it, even play with it. It's the only way you'll get it to stick in your brain and start to make sense.

tips #4 : The most commonly used word in written English
1. The
2. Of
3. And
4. A
5. To
6. In
7. Is
8. You
9. That
10. It
11. He
12. For

These might be the most common words, but they're also the ones that will probably give you the most trouble, knowing them is one thing, knowing how to use them quite another. Size can be deceptive. Tongue out

tips #5 : talk to yourself
Talking to yourself is no longer the first sign of madness - it's the first sign of excellence.

"Self-talk" can help you to become more fluent. And the great thing is - you can do it anywhere: in the bath, in the car, while you're taking the dog for a walk.

Try to put a regular time aside every day when you can talk to yourself in English. Talk about what you did yesterday, what you are doing, about interesting things which have happened to you and the things you're planning to do in the future.

tips #6 : reflect on what you are learning
Try to recall what you have learn as you are taking a class as well as after wards. Try different ways of studying the material. Think about applying these new concepts to your work situation. From time to time, review the classes you have completed as a refresher. Do some of the exercises you did a few months ago, and see if you've improved your score.

tips #7 : learn words in context
Research shows that the vast majority of words are learned from context. To improve your vocabulary pay close attention to how words are used. Doing a search on a word using Google or DejaNews (for searching newsgroups) will give you many examples of how that word is used in context.

tips #8 : Learn From Your Mistakes
We all make mistakes, so we need to learn to accept them as a fact of life. Making a genuine mistake does not make you any less of a person.
If anyone gives you an unnecessarily stressful time about making a mistake, remember they will have made just as many mistakes as you, if not more. The question 'May I congratulate you on never having made a mistake in your life?' is a useful answer here (just not to your teacher)!
Never making a mistake means never living life to the full.
More useful lessons are learnt from mistakes than from successes.
Children learn to walk because they get up when they fall, not because they stay down.
Repeat each morning that to risk failure is to court success.