"poor and rich is the fate" this is prevailing myth in society, especially in developing country not least in our country, INDONESIA!!!
We often hear, perhaps even among us never utter; poor has become our fate. However we are working hard, it's impossible to change, because this has been destined. Conversely, if we have determined the fate of the rich "nature to", then any business, employment and even "casual" can make us successful and wealthy.
Myths like this, consciously or not, has been dogmatically accepted in our society. Coupled with the modern myths that destructively, such as when we are less educated (only a high school graduate / junior high / elementary school even) then spontaneously arising in our mind, it is difficult to advance, it is difficult successful and wealthy.
Poverty is often a disease of the mind and the result of our ignorance of the applicable legal principles of success. If we are able to think that we can succeed and willing to learn, and do the principles of law principle success, want to foster a positive characteristic, have a clear goal, willing to work hard, resilient, ready to learn, and struggle, it will open possibilities or productive activities that can change the fate of failing to be successful. Poor to become rich!
no matter how you today, from the descendants of whom, what skin color, or what educational background. remember, you have the right to succeed!!!
success does not belong to certain people. success is yours and mine, and belongs to anyone who really know, want, and fight with all heart.
destroy the myth of "the poor is my destiny!"
Build character and mental success..
because we are determining our own future!..